Monmouthshire Brecon & Abergavenny Canal Trust’s trip boat Edith Elizabeth is pictured making what is believed to be the first boat trip on a short section of the Monmouthshire Canal in Cwmbran since the demise of freight traffic 70 years ago.

The 35-mile navigable length of canal from Brecon currently ends at the top of the derelict Five Locks flight just north of Cwmbran – but the Monmouthshire Brecon & Abergavenny Canals Trust is leading efforts to reopen it all the way down through Cwmbran to Newport, and up the Crumlin Arm too. As part of its campaign to raise support for the canal among the local community, a Water Festival was held at Glenside Community Hall, just below the Five Locks, and Edith Elizabeth was launched into this section of canal to provide public trips during the event.

The event was a success, and the Trust hopes to run a bigger festival annually until the locks are opened and boats can cruise through onto this length of canal.

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