Requirements cover smoke and CO alarms, surfaces and means of escape

The Boat Safety Scheme has published an updated, extended version of its list of checks for hireboats, following two years’ work and a full consultation in 2015.

Hire craft already have to satisfy a more stringent test for the BSS examination than private craft, but from April 2017, seven new requirements will be checked as part of the text.

Those checks are:

1) Slip-resistant surfaces in all designated external crew areas

2) The arc of narrowboat tillers clearly identified

3) Means of escape clearly marked

4) Smoke alarms provided

5) Smoke alarms in good condition

6) Carbon monoxide (CO) alarms provided on boats with solid fuel stoves

7) CO alarms in good condition

In addition, all existing checks for private boats will apply, including nine hireboat checks covering: handholds, lifebuoys, means of reversing (including outboard powered craft), fire blankets, fixed ventilator warning labels, suitable glazing material, height / sealing / securing of weed hatches, hull openings below waterline fitted with closable valves, hull openings above waterline watertight.


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