Leeds & Liverpool Canal implemented with night-time closures to help conserve supplies

Concerned that the dry winter and spring have resulted in lower than usual levels of water in the reservoirs supplying the Leeds & Liverpool Canal, the Canal & River Trust has implemented night-time closures at Wigan and is asking all boaters on the trans-Pennine route to help towards conserving supplies.

As we reported in our earlier news story, levels are still not exceptionally low for the time of year, but the situation on the Leeds & Liverpool is more of a cause for concern than most canals. The Trust has therefore been keeping a close watch on the situation and has begun closing the 21-lock Wigan flight overnight from 8pm to 8am (mainly to prevent water losses from vandals opening lock paddles), as well as reminding boaters to:

– Be sure to leave all gates and paddles properly shut

– Provide assistance or let lock-keepers know if they see inexperienced boaters who need help

– Tell CRT if they see any signs of leakage

– Invite oncoming boats through first if a lock is in their favour

– Share locks with other craft where possible

The Trust says that it is continuing work on leakage reduction and repairs to lock paddles and gates to reduce water loss as part of its maintenance programme.

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