27th February 2020
Boat test: Korea move pays off
Having led the construction and UK delivery of four hybrid tankers from the Far East, former Royal Fleet Auxiliary crewman shows how experience can be invaluable
27th February 2020
Having led the construction and UK delivery of four hybrid tankers from the Far East, former Royal Fleet Auxiliary crewman shows how experience can be invaluable
6th December 2018
Propelled an electric motor powered by a huge array of solar panels, this style-packed 70-footer shows how technology is marching on
25th April 2018
A bespoke boat means you can really tailor your design to fit your dreams. And if that means an extended cabin and a gigantic bed, JD Narrowboats are happy to oblige
24th April 2018
Why wait years for a bespoke build? Adam braves the last blast of winter to test a top notch spec boat that is ready to go
8th March 2018
Relocating to the other end of the country and becoming a liveaboard is a big change – but this bespoke 60ft semi-trad is designed to ease the transition
7th February 2018
This boat marks a milestone for Aintree boats. Not only that, the 52ft semi-trad showcases all their craft at a remarkable price
2nd January 2018
This lovely narrow-boat style widebeam delivers the ultimate retirement bolt-hole for its new owners
5th December 2017
What makes a boat truly stand out from the crowd? Sometimes you just need a little finesse
1st November 2017
If we said the batteries on this Braidbar cost £15k (and that’s just for three) you’d probably think it’s a misprint, but it isn’t and there’s a good reason why so much has been spent…
10th May 2017
If you had a chance to build a boat, then a second and then a third, how would you change things – Val and Graham did just that
14th February 2017
Many of us like to go cruising with our partner, but sometimes in life that’s not always the way things turn out to be